Gladys Manion Welcomes New Interns!

Gladys Manion Welcomes New Interns!

An internship at Gladys Manion Real Estate allows students to uncover their passions in real estate, marketing, and building productive relationships. For the past 20 years, Gladys Manion has offered internships to students in the St. Louis area. This year, three interns have joined: Massimo Seifarth, Eliana Brook, and Adam Sutter. Each of them hopes to gain new experiences in a professional real estate environment.

Massimo Seifarth is returning for his second summer internship with Gladys Manion. He hopes to grow his interest in real estate this year and learn more about marketing and paperwork. Massimo is a rising senior at Ladue High School. Throughout his high school career, Massimo has enjoyed swimming on the varsity team and playing tennis. He also participates in NHS and volunteers around the community. Massimo studies French and German in school and has earned rewards, such as passing the DSD 1 and getting an honorable mention for the National French exam, level four. In his free time, Massimo helps to manage four investment properties, fixing little problems and managing renovations. He says, “Everyone at Gladys Manion has been very nice and open to explaining any questions I may have. I have learned a lot and will definitely be doing something in real estate in my future.” 

 Eliana Brook is very excited about her internship at Gladys Manion Real Estate. This summer, she hopes to gain a new understanding of working collaboratively in an office setting. Eliana also looks forward to learning more about the business’s marketing and social media aspects. Eliana believes this experience will benefit her future and gain knowledge about what she may want to study in college. Eliana graduated from MICDS in 2020. During her time at MICDS, Eliana wrote for the school yearbook, managed the school mascot’s Instagram account, and wrote as a teen writer for the St. Louis Jewish Light. In addition, she was the captain of the girl’s varsity tennis team and participated in student council. During her time at MICDS, Eliana received the Ryan D. Seed Leadership Award and achieved honors. She will be entering Saint Louis University for her sophomore year of college in the fall. Eliana works as a Sales Associate at Madewell in Plaza Frontenac, where she can combine her interest in fashion with her leadership skills. Eliana spends much of her free time babysitting young children in the community. Additionally, she enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends. 

Adam Sutter has enjoyed the beginning of his internship at Gladys Manion Real Estate. He shares, “So far, everyone has been super welcoming and it seems like they are interested in investing in me. I hope to gain business experience and connections from this experience.” Adam is a rising senior at John Burroughs School and has lived his whole life in St. Louis. During his time at Burroughs, Adam has enjoyed writing for the school yearbook and participating in the swim team. Adam founded a computer science peer advising club at Burroughs called JBS PALS. He is also a member of his high school’s team for the World Wide Technologies STEM Student Forum, through which he helped his team win a $5,000 prize for his school. Adam received the National Spanish Exam “Premio de Oro” (Gold Prize) Award during the 2020-2021 school year and the Novice French award for placing 7th nationally in the National French Contest in 2022. Next fall, Adam will start a position on the Student Board of Directors at the Federal Reserve. In his free time, Adam enjoys language learning, spending time with friends, and going to the gym.

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