5 Reasons to Sell this Summer

Thinking about selling? Maybe it's time to act. Listing your home in the summer offers numerous advantages that can significantly enhance your selling experience. Here are the top 5 reasons to list your home now.

Fantastic Curb Appeal: Homes are at their aesthetic peak during summer. Gardens are in full bloom, lawns are green, pools are open, and the weather is generally more pleasant. This visual appeal makes the property more attractive in photos and to potential buyers.

Extended Viewing Hours: With more daylight hours, potential buyers can view homes at their convenience. The possibility of evening showings increases the chances of getting more prospective buyers through your door.

Higher Demand: Many people, especially families with children, prefer to move during the summer to settle into their new home before the new school year starts. Higher demand in desirable school districts can lead to more competitive offers and potentially a higher selling price.

More Active Market: The real estate market tends to be more active in the summer. With more buyers and sellers participating, there is a higher chance of finding a buyer quickly.

Better Moving Conditions: Moving in the summer is more convenient due to favorable weather conditions. There are fewer concerns about snow, ice, and cold temperatures that can complicate the moving process.

The summer market is still hot. Don't miss this golden opportunity! Contact Gladys Manion today and let us turn your seller's advantage into a fast and smooth sale!

Call: 314-721-4755 or click here! 

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